Vendor Feature | Trinket & Pixie

So excited to introduce you to our second featured vendor… Trinket & Pixie.  Owner and designer Chantelle Schreyer not only creates gorgeous items for both newborns and little ones, but she is also a sponsor of our SCP Newborn Mentoring Workshops which means all attendees will receive some Trinket & Pixie goodies in their swag bags!! Even better is the fact that Chantelle is actually attending my September workshop and I can not WAIT to meet her in person.   I loved interviewing Chantelle and finding out all about the design and inspiration behind her shop… and stay tuned at the end for a fabulous product Chantelle is giving away to one of our readers!!  (PS.  All images feature gorgeous Trinket & Pixie items…)

You are a photographer as well… so what came first the chicken or the egg!? smile

Yes! I am a photographer as well! The photographer came first! I’ve always had a passion for it. But I’ve always been crafty and had a creative itch. Yet another passion. So…as I was planning a newborn session I decided to knit a hat for it. It turned out adorable and I had people asking me which vendor I got it from ! LOL! The rest is sorta history! A really good history! And a blending of passions! I feel very fortunate to do what I do while being a stay at home mom to my three children!

What inspired you to start your business?

I guess the inspiration came from my creative passion as well as tons of begging and support from others who liked my creations. I just thought….well…..I’ll give it a go…see what happens. For me it wasn’t a do or die kinda thing. Just somethin’ to try…for fun. If it didn’t work it was ok!

How did you come up with the name?

Funny. I can’t really put my finger on that. But I do remember I was reading The Hunger Games while on vacation in Mexico in February at the beach. And the name Trinket was in there. I just loved it……then I was chatting to my oldest about the idea of a prop business and telling her I wanted to make pixie bonnets. And the two just sorta meshed into a name. I also love owls and whimsical designs so the logo to go with the name fits me perfectly.

Three words to describe your style:

My style has really evolved as I have evolved and grown since I started this business. And I’m sure that it will keep evolving as I continue to grow and be inspired. I would say the three words now would be …..vintage, organic, whimsical.

What would I find on your craft table?

Oh my goodness. My craft table RIGHT NOW??? LOL! It’s a mess. But I actually work best in a messy environment. I find things better! Right this minute you would find on my workspace; two baskets overflowing with balls of yarn, three vintage glass jars with my knitting needles and crochet hooks and another with scissors, loads of fabric I just bought, a string of fresh water pearls, a hot glue gun ( which I actually HATE and NEVER use!) silk and linen rosebuds, feathers, vintage buttons, this mornings coffee mug, and a glass of pinot grigio that I just set down.

What was the first item you ever sold? Care to share how much you sold it for?

The very first item I ever sold was knitted pixie hat with a wood button sewn on the side….in pink & purple handspun merino wool yarn. It was adorable. I think it sold for $26.00.

What is your favorite product you currently offer?

Tough one! I have several! But……I think right this minute my favorite product I currently sell are the Victorian Romance halos.

What inspires you? 

I find my inspiration in so many places….but mostly from a shabby chic book I have owned for years. I adore that shabby vintage look.  I love to go antiquing and find inspiration from the many vintage finds of years ago.  I also find inspiration in new trends I see either on Pinterest or in catalogues. And I also find inspiration in things that I personally want for my own newborn and child sessions.

Self-taught or did you learn elsewhere?

I am pretty much self-taught. I have been knitting ever since I was pregnant with my first…I taught myself how to knit way back then! It was a slow process. I also just recently taught myself to crochet. Which I don’t use a ton, but it’s nice to know how.

Is this a full-time gig or something on the side? 

This is a part time gig, right along side of my part time photography biz. For now. We’ll see what the future holds!

What else keeps you busy? 

My adorable three kids keep me very very busy and oh so happy! I also love to cook, read, go antiquing and watch some of my favorite TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, and The Good Wife. While I knit of course!

Describe your ideal day:

My ideal day would be to wake up and start off with 2 cups (yes two…I’m a coffee addict!) of espresso made in my kitchen, brought to me by my kids, while I browse FB…(I read it like a newspaper) , then a quick breakfast of a boiled egg and a slice of sourdough toast. Then pack up the car and head to the beach, camera of course in hand. Chillax on the sand while reading and watching my kids play, and taking pictures all day. Then stopping at home to pick up a xl Zeke’s vegie pizza along with a bottle of wine, and cozy upon the couch to watch a family movie with a giant bowl of popcorn and my kids legs all wrapped up around me. THE .BEST. DAY. EVER!

If you could see your items on any one person (or new peanut!), who would it be and why?

Well…I would LOVE to see my stuff on Ryan Gosling! But I highly doubt he would go for that! Bummer huh! I think so too! LOL! Soooooo….hhmmmm…I don’t know? That’s a tough one. I really do enjoy seeing my props and items used by various photographers, top name and brand new, and I just love it when they share their pics with me!

Where can we find your goods:

You can find me and my goodies on Facebook at

And in my shop at

Thanks, Chantelle!!  Want to win a gorgeous tieback by Trinket & Pixie?  One lucky reader will win the following…



Please leave ONE comment below this blog post stating that you completed step 1  below. That comment will serve as your giveaway entry.

1. Like Stephanie Cotta Photography &  Trinket & Pixie on Facebook.

FOR TWO BONUS ENTRIES… (bonus entries are not required to enter)

1.  Make this your status on your facebook page:  ”Head over to @Stephanie Cotta Photography to win a @trinket&pixie Tieback!!” (You must use the @ symbol before Stephanie Cotta Photography and Lilian.Grace so that it tags both pages.)  Then come back and leave a comment with your page telling us you did so.

2.  Follow Stephanie Cotta Photography (@SCPstudio) on Twitter and share a link to this blog post.  Then coming back and leave a comment telling us you did so.

There you have it… three chances to win!!  The Trinket & Pixie giveaway starts today and ends next Wednesday, August 29th at midnight.  The winner will be randomly selected (by and announced here on the blog on August 30th!  The winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be selected!

Good luck!!

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